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For a safer and less uncertain world

Welcome to our series of topical articles where we discuss the impact accurate measurement and calibration have on the world and our everyday lives.

A better way to a sustainable future

Measurements are behind many of the daily actions that we take for granted, like buying food, filling our vehicle’s gas tank, switching the lights on at home, or taking medicine.

Accurate measurements ensure that we get the right amount of food, fuel, and energy, and that our medication is safe. They ensure communities can function well and provide the foundations for safer and more sustainable businesses and societies.

Whether building a sustainable future, supporting the circular economy or developing the next generation of technology, our purpose is to help make a safer and less uncertain world. 

Unlocking the Era of Technological Empowerment

Are you ready to harness the potential that comes with the widespread accessibility of technology?

In a world where innovation is being reshaped by the democratisation of technology, the need for precision in data measurements is a crucial element for success. As we embrace this era, taking control of data security will help us navigate the potential risks and pitfalls that lie ahead.

The de­moc­ra­ti­sa­tion of technology will turn employees into change­mak­ers

As or­gan­i­sa­tions rapidly adopt disruptive digital tools, the consequent de­moc­ra­ti­sa­tion of technology is unleashing new forms of innovation. The potential for growth is limitless.

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The time for de­moc­ra­tis­ing technology and data is now

Dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion is ac­cel­er­at­ing at a rapid pace. So much so, that companies may be missing out on potentially rev­o­lu­tion­ary innovations emerging from disruptive tech­nolo­gies. How can they keep pace? The answer lies in de­moc­ra­tis­ing technology and data.

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Parallel Paths: Lessons from IBM in Energy De­moc­ra­ti­sa­tion

As technology de­moc­ra­tis­es, the energy sector mirrors its evo­lu­tion­ary shifts from cen­tral­i­sa­tion to de­cen­tral­i­sa­tion. Beamex’s Antonio Matamala highlights the need to advance while ensuring balance.

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Living on the edge of innovation

The de­moc­ra­ti­sa­tion of technology and data has emerged as one of the hottest new trends in the industry. Why is this good news for innovation and can more be done to leverage this?

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Cybersecurity in a machine-dominated era

How can businesses and industries navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats as our reliance on machines and AI grows?

With cybercriminals refining their techniques, exploiting legitimate tools and evading detection, the necessity for more resilient cybersecurity has never been greater. We can ensure a safer and more transparent world by adopting improved security protocols, accurate measurements and increased awareness.

Navigating cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty in an AI-driven world

In a world driven by AI, machines are trans­form­ing reality. However, rapidly developing technology makes data breaches harder to detect, providing attackers with new tools to manipulate data and deploy complex cyber-attacks at an unimag­in­able scale and speed.

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Cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty in an AI-powered world

AI’s potential impact on cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty has many or­gan­i­sa­tions concerned. Process industries, many of whom are in different stages of their dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion journeys, will be forced to find ways to manage the threat.

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Preventing Black Swan cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty events

With tools like AI making it easier for entities and individuals to access so­phis­ti­cat­ed cyber tools, the threat of a potential Black Swan cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty event has increased. Here’s how process industries can take steps to guard themselves from this threat.

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Extracting business lessons from energy sector cy­ber­at­tacks

In the face of escalating cyber warfare, it is now imperative for all stake­hold­ers to prioritise the security of our energy systems. Beamex’s Antonio Matamala discusses the actions required to safeguard society.

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Data security: protect your ‘gold’ from cyber threats

In the evolving landscape of data security, calibration data holds a unique sig­nif­i­cance often overlooked. Join Beamex’s Heikki Laurila as he explores the importance of safe­guard­ing this ‘gold’ in the digital age.

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Decoupling the global supply chain

What will the Great Decoupling mean for the global supply chain and trade?

For years, companies have relied on globalisation and strategies such as off-shoring and just-in-time to keep the global economy afloat. But the rivalry between America and China may overturn long-established economic, manufacturing and supply chain models.

Decoding the Great Decoupling of the US from China

Amid mounting tensions, the Great Decoupling signifies the dramatic dis­en­tan­gle­ment between the US and China, fuelling concerns of a fragmented global economy. This article con­tex­tu­alis­es the issue and explores the im­pli­ca­tions for the wider supply chain.

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Decoupling and the global supply chain

As the economic cold war between China and the USA escalates, industries across the world are bracing themselves for its fallout. From redesigning supply chains and es­tab­lish­ing new man­u­fac­tur­ing systems, companies are having to rethink established practices.

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Be it decoupling or de-risking, sus­tain­abil­i­ty will suffer

At a time when the world should stand united in facing threats like climate change and rising inequality, decoupling and the emergence of rival economic blocs may set it back ir­re­versibly.

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How self-sufficiency is redefining geopolitics

Renewable energy could pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable world. Beamex’s Antonio Matamala explores its possible impact on geopolitics and how nations are unlocking energy self-sufficiency.

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The role of calibration in a decoupled world

Decoupling could lead to redesigned supply chains and the rethinking of man­u­fac­tur­ing practices. What can we expect, and why do I see calibration playing the role of an equaliser? Read on to know more.

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The rise of AI and the need for accurate data

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to generate vast amounts of data, questions arise about its accuracy. As a result, concerns have been raised about the reliability of AI-generated data, and whether it is truly representative of reality.

It is essential to continue exploring the accuracy of AI-generated data, and to openly discuss any limitations and biases that may exist.

Lessons in bias and trans­paren­cy with Generative AI

Generative AI has exploded into the public con­scious­ness since the turn of 2023. Its ability to generate images, compose songs, make videos and write scientific papers has captured the imagination of millions, with ChatGPT setting a record for having the fastest-growing user base. 

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Process industry contolrs

When it comes to AI and process control, the quality of data is key

Process control is based on mea­sure­ments in the man­u­fac­tur­ing process, so accurate mea­sure­ments are the basis for good process control. Even more so when artificial in­tel­li­gence (AI) steps in and there are fewer human in­ter­ac­tions. 

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Car manufacturing

Towards an AI-augmented man­u­fac­tur­ing sector

As ChatGPT, Bing, DALL-E and all things AI continue to grip public imagination, let’s not overlook AI’s tremendous potential to rev­o­lu­tionise the man­u­fac­tur­ing sector.

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AI could rev­o­lu­tionise the healthcare sector if it gets the data right

From per­son­alised medicine to improved drug iden­ti­fi­ca­tion to enabling equal access to healthcare, AI has the potential to transform the healthcare sector.

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Server room

ChatGPT: A dumb, energy-guzzling AI revelation?

Several geopo­lit­i­cal forces are con­tribut­ing to the momentum of the hydrogen economy. Antonio Matamala outlines its inherent potential to provide energy for the planet’s eight billion people.

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Ensuring sustainable lifestyles for 8 billion people

Earth is now home to more than eight billion people. Thanks to reduced childhood mortality, increased life expectancies and improved healthcare, the global population has almost tripled since the 1950s. At its current rate, we will hit 10 billion people by 2050. Is this milestone in human development a cause for alarm or a chance to redress and recalibrate global inequity in resources? How will we care for the growing global population?

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How tech, data and calibration can help eliminate global poverty

The global population has grown to 8 billion people and is projected to reach 10 billion by 2050. To lift millions out of poverty, we must rethink how we produce and distribute goods and services.

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Access to healthcare

Ensuring equal access to healthcare with technology

The rise in the global population also adds additional burdens on healthcare systems across the world. How do we ensure we are able to provide equal access to healthcare for 8 billion people?

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Keep calm and prepare for more regulation

With the world grappling with break-neck tech­no­log­i­cal innovation, a rising population and the need to do more with less, could regulations emerge as the key to guiding future growth?

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Waste water treatment

Can calibration help mitigate the global water crisis?

With nearly two-thirds of the global population expected to suffer from water shortages by 2050, what do we need to do to ensure equitable dis­tri­b­u­tion of this precious resource?

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Is sus­tain­abil­i­ty enough anymore?

With the planet’s resources stretched to the brink and no signs of improvement, it is time we look beyond sus­tain­abil­i­ty and explore re­gen­er­a­tive thinking and design.

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No stopping the hydrogen economy’s momentum

While mass adoption of the hydrogen economy will take time, this article outlines its inherent potential to provide energy for the planet’s growing population.

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