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Quality system

Beamex / Dictionary / Quality system


Sub­stan­ti­ation by examination and provision of objective evidence that verified processes, methods, and/or procedures are fit for their intended use.


A procedure describes a specific process for im­ple­ment­ing all or a portion of a policy.

Work Instruction

In a quality management system, a work instruction defines the detailed steps necessary to carry out a procedure. Work in­struc­tions are used only where they are needed to ensure the quality of the product or service.

System owner

The person responsible for the avail­ab­il­ity, and maintenance of a com­pu­ter­ised system and for the security of the data residing on that system.

Standard operating procedure (SOP)

A term used by some or­gan­iz­a­tions to identify policies, procedures, or work in­struc­tions.

Standard (document)

A standard (industry, national, government, or in­ter­na­tion­al standard; a norme) is a document that describes the processes and methods that must be performed in order to achieve a specific technical or management objective, or the methods for evaluation of any of these.

Quality manual

The quality manual is the document that describes the quality management policy of an or­gan­iz­a­tion with respect to a specified conformance standard.

Process owner

The person responsible for the business process.

Preventive action

Preventive action is something done to prevent the possible future occurrence of a non­con­form­ance, even though such an event has not yet happened.


A policy defines and sets out the basic objectives, goals, vision, or general management position on a specific topic